technology Tag

It has long been a bone of contention with educationalists that professional football clubs offer no role model status to those in education, in spite of constant claims by the Professional Footballers’ Association that improvements continue.  Claiming the extravagant spending and lifestyles of the rich...

What kind of future thinking technology solution innovators would the team at Academia be if we were not able to supply our customers and teacher friends with the best tech tips for 2019? The team, along with some advice from able-minded school teachers in the know,...

Ensure your users have uninterrupted access to Adobe products and services that they rely on every day.   What’s happening? Schools and Sixth Form Colleges using serial numbers purchased under EEA (Education Enterprise Agreement) have until November 30th, 2018 to switch to VIP (Value Incentive Plan) to cover...

Tips, resources, and advice for remote learning Find out more