22 Feb Rank #1 on 5 Lots on the largest Higher Education Software framework in the UK
Rank #1 on 5 Lots on the largest Higher Education Software framework in the UK
Academia are proud to announce we are now Rank #1 on 5 Lots on the SLRA framework, as detailed below.. First rank status enables Members to direct award to Academia and benefit from streamlined procurement routes.
The SUPC’s new Software License Resellers Agreement (SLRA) framework has now gone live for another 3+1 years. This framework is composed of 6 Lots, with an estimated total spend of £130M, and available to Members of the SUPC, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC, APUC, HEPCW and the CPC.
Lot 2a Adobe ETLA – RANK 1
Lot 2b Adobe CLP/VIP – RANK 1
Lot 3 VMware – RANK 1
Lot 4 Other Software – RANK 1
Lot 5 Software Services – RANK 1
Academia have worked closely with Members over the past 4 years as the first ranked supplier for the “Adobe” Lot and “Other Software” Lot. This has resulted in significant growth of member spend via the SLRA and allowed us to offer procurement support and services to complement our pre and post sales services.
What does this mean for Members?
Members can now direct award any application (excluding Microsoft) and any software service to Academia and retain compliance. Lots 4 and 5 are multi-vendor and Academia can offer further support by acting as an extension to your procurement team, engaging suppliers and even running tenders in conjunction with Members.
What is Academia doing to further support Members?
To ensure we emulate the historical success of supplying through this Framework, Academia have added additional resource through new product specialists to ensure we can proactively support customers across all Lots from conception, through procurement and post-sales support. This includes new product teams for Microsoft, Adobe and VMware as well as enhancements to existing services.
For more information contact your account manager or get in contact with the Software team on the details below. For more information on our framework presence click here. For more information on our software solutions click here.
Watch our SLRA framework overview
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