17 Jul Pitfalls of using end-of-life software
In today’s ‘million miles an hour’ digital landscape, organisations are leaning more heavily into software, for streamlined operations, enhanced productivity, and to support overall objectives. But there’s a catch… especially if you’re still ploughing on with legacy or end-of-life software that’s long since passed its sell-by date.
Old habits can die hard when software and apps have served you long and well. Or, you might be in ‘make do and mend’ mode, although this approach becomes progressively more challenging when the means to mend no longer exist.
But beware! Soldiering on with end-of-life software can pose serious challenges and risks you might not even be aware of.
This blog explores the biggest reasons why to let end-of-life software lie.
What are the main problems with end-of-life software?
Continued use of end-of-life software entails a variety of downsides, including but not limited to:
Diminished and unreliable performance
The older outdated software becomes, the less it’s optimised for the latest hardware, operating systems, or compatibility with other applications. As it ages, you’ll notice declining performance over time, system crashes and unreliable functionality. On top of this, end-of-life software often lacks bug fixes and compatibility updates, which further hinders productivity and efficiency. In worst case scenarios, outdated software can hamper the delivery of quality teaching.
Greater security risks
Applications that are no longer actively supported or updated by their vendors are especially vulnerable to cybersecurity breaches. This is because they no longer benefit from essential patches and security updates. In fact, cybercriminals actively exploit these vulnerabilities. So, continued use of end-of-life software can act as a magnet for data breaches, malware attacks, and unauthorised access. This not only compromises the security and integrity of sensitive information, but can also cause irreparable damage to your establishment’s reputation.
Many organisations both large and small, across various industries are subject to strict data protection regulations, such as GDPR. To this end, court cases and severe penalties can result from using outdated software that doesn’t meet legal requirements.
When you consider the potential implications, it’s little wonder organisations are prioritising the adoption of up-to-date software solutions to:
- Level up the IT environment
- Mitigate risks
- Focus on a future forward IT environment that supports teaching objectives
Can you afford not to be one of them?
Academia, is a trusted IT partner to over 2,000 customers who rely on us to provide the necessary support to guarantee optimal software performance, security and compliance within their organisation.
Why not click the button below to book some time with our team who can help support your end-of-life software with dynamic new opportunities.
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