
It goes without saying that the Microsoft environment is one many of us use day-to-day – but are you utilising every asset Office 365 has to offer? If you’re not sure, let us help you with some guidance on the various tools available to you...

As the nation prepares for the inevitable shutdown, we felt this was a good time to highlight some of the tools that you should be looking at to keep your school, college or university functioning as best as possible. At Academia, we are busy preparing our...

COVID-19 has undoubtably impacted global manufacturing and distribution activities which is therefore, affecting supply to the IT Channel. Given the pace of this story, it is very difficult to issue a definitive statement. We supply a wide range of products, some of which are manufactured in Asia,...

We are partnering with schools to support and contribute towards their efforts to teach and develop digital literacy capabilities. Creative thinking, critical thinking, storytelling and collaboration are recognised as essential skills to help prepare students for their future careers. While governments, school leaders and teachers...

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