In recent years, concerns over climate change have led responsible organisations to review and reduce their carbon footprint, but the focus on switching to renewable energy only goes part of the way to addressing the issue. One study suggests as much as 240KG of fossil fuels, 22KG of chemicals and 1500KG of water are used in the supply chain and production of a single computer.1
When taking this into account with the potential to reduce the number of new devices manufactured outlined above, Lifecycle Services can deliver a real difference in the battle against carbon emissions. As a key intermediary in the IT asset lifecycle, we recognise that we have a duty of care to help minimise any environmental impact when assets are retired.
For every asset that we process, we plant 1 tree. Our goal is to plant 10,000 trees per annum via our Lifecycle Services, offsetting both the carbon footprint of our own operations and supporting our customers to recycle IT assets with minimal environmental impact.
1 Eric Williams, Computers and the Environment. Understanding and managing their impact, 2004.