Academia joins forces with a local children’s charity to provide a safer place to play

Academia, one of the UK’s leading IT services and solutions providers,  announced its commitment to serve local charities by sending a team of 12 volunteers on Thursday 19th October to help Coram’s Fields and Harmsworth Memorial Playground make their park a safer place for children to play.


Coram’s Fields is a children’s charity that serves as a safe place for all children to come and play. Their beautiful seven-acre park is free to the public, they have an after school and holiday programme for children aged 4-12 years, and a sports development programme with a targeted approach to engage girls and young women, those at risk of exclusion and anti-social behaviour and individuals with special education needs and disabilities. Coram’s Fields have a range of areas to provide a diverse space for children including youth centres, green parks, wildlife gardens, and playgrounds.


Through its Corporate Volunteering programme, Academia is strengthening its ties to the local community by breaking down social barriers, hence our support of Coram’s Fields.


On the day, our volunteers performed a range of tasks including:

  • Clearing leaves across the park, ahead of their firework show on November 3rd
  • Digging a trench on the Lansdowne Terrace in preparation for planting


Mark McCormack, Managing Director of Academia commented “The board is fully committed to improving our work with charities and we’re delighted to be partnering with Coram’s Fields; their ethos as an organisation matches the Academia core values. We’re excited to be working on this particular project whilst looking forward to doing more with them in the future.”


To learn more about Coram’s Fields: About Us (

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