Academia Events 2017

The Power and Wisdom of Events – Why you must attend this November

Tony Robbins, the famous life coach with the biggest hands in the world, famously once said “It’s not the events of our lives that shape us, but the meaning we attach to those events”.  At Academia, we wholeheartedly agree.

Running Technology featured events is how we as a business help train, develop and encourage those in Education, Charity and Business industries to grow their awareness of the latest digital innovations around them.  By hosting our conference style events, we offer a special insight into working technology that helps the audience understand and appreciate the modern features of computers, laptops, tablets and mobile devices.

With the support of our partners and authorised resellers at Adobe and Apple, we are excited to bring you 5 events in November that are designed to stimulate and educate in a personal development way. These are:


Having attended hundreds of conferences, exhibitions, network dinners and master-classing sessions in my long media career, I have always maintained that the best way to learn and understand how a product or service works is by seeing it first-hand.  We may have seen an iPad, or understood what the Adobe logo looks like, but are we all fully sure we are getting the most out of what they can really do?

Time out of the office or classroom is precious, but time spent learning skills you can bring back are simply gold dust.  Throw in unlimited coffee and a free lunch and you have my attention.

For further details on how to attend these free events, please click on the link below:

Academia for Education

01992 703900

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