Getting the Most Out of Your 1:1 iPad Education Program

Getting the Most Out of Your 1:1 iPad Education Program

Mobile technology is already an integral part of nearly every business role, and the use of iPad devices can only be expected to increase in the years to come.

Here are a few key tips that should be considered when developing a 1:1 iPad deployment plan:

Empower the Educators

Educators can combine topics and lessons to essentially create their own textbooks, and audio, video, graphics, and web links can be added to enhance educational opportunities. Teachers must be trained on how to properly utilise the tablets and how to build lesson plans around them. Additionally, it is important for teachers to have access to tablets well before the start of the school term so they have sufficient time to develop digital classroom materials. A Partnership with the right supplier is key for technology in schools. More support is needed from suppliers. Long-term solutions are needed rather than short-term fixes that could waste a school’s vital budget.

Deploy Applications Strategically 

All applications should be carefully vetted before being deployed to student device to ensure they are acceptable and appropriate to the lesson. Since student iPad devices should only be used for education purposes, approved applications should be explicitly white listed to prevent the installation of unapproved games and apps. Additionally, education software should be deployed to student iPad devices as it is needed, rather than all at once. This prevents networks and application servers from being overtaxed by hundreds of simultaneous downloads.

Optimise Data Sharing Practices 

Used properly, mobile devices provide a powerful method for communication. Teachers can interact with students in real-time by answering questions and providing feedback on assignments as the student is focused on them. Students can revise and submit corrections on assignments to enhance their education experience.

Teach Safe Practices 

Students’ familiarity with iPad devices and internet access varies by a great degree, and it should never be assumed that they intuitively understand safety practices. Even the use of malware protection and other security software will only have a limited affect if the students do not develop safe communication and web surfing habits. As technology continues to become an integral part of business and social interactions, this lesson will also extend to broader mobile device and computing use that will be invaluable throughout their lives.

Empower the Students 

While security is of paramount importance in a 1:1 iPad deployment program, it should not be implemented at the cost of stifling creativity and learning opportunities. Allow kids to customise their own devices to express their unique personalities. Encourage them to safely explore the capabilities of the technology and learn new ways to accomplish tasks. Offer multiple methods for completing assignments so they can discover which work best for them and allows them to develop the skills that will enable them to most effectively function in a technology-driven world.

Read more: EMA Blogs




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